Are giveaway on Internet real ?

Giveaway on Internet real or fake ?

Most of the giveaway that you see in social media are fake. Many YouTubers and social media influencer use giveaway scam just to promote their products, business, YouTube channel and social media accounts. 

 Don't you get surprised that even after participating in more then 100's of giveaway you are never selected ? Not only you, have you ever listened from your friends that they won certain giveaway ? Your answer must be "no".

 Different YouTubers and social media pages bring many giveaway just to catch attention of audience towards them. They just keep certain conditions to participate in giveaway. For example, YouTubers ask to subscribe their channel, Facebook pages, Twitter and TikToker asks to follow their account. Once you follow their conditions then their mission of issuing giveaway scam is completed.

 Now, on the final day they create fake people and make them winner. In this way they promote their channel and accounts for free. 

 Not only small YouTubers and small social media pages but also big YouTubers who have already gained high popularity also use this scam technique. It will be easy for big personality to issue such scam because people easily believe on them. 

 What all giveaway are scam ?

 Not at all, All giveaway are not scam but most of the giveaway are. Their are very few giveaway that are real and genuine. Genuine giveaway are issued to promote business and brand rather then their social media accounts. Such giveaway do not ask for you to follow and subscribe their pages and channel, but they ask to participate in small survey relating to their products.